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Tigo Pesa

Catalysing Financial Inclusion through Mobile Money in Tanzania

Tigo Pesa is a mobile money service offered by Tigo, a leading telecommunications company in Tanzania. Designed to address the unique financial needs of the Tanzanian population, Tigo Pesa provides users with a versatile platform for conducting mobile-based transactions, fostering financial inclusion and expanding access to financial services.

% of coverage
  • Country


  • Population

    67.1 million (estimated)

  • Number of Internet users

    20.6 million

  • Popular payment methods

    Mobile money (Halo Pesa, M-Pesa), Cash payments, Bank transfers, Debit cards

% of coverage
  • Credit Card


  • Debit Card


  • E-Wallets


  • Cash Payments


  • Bank Transfers


  • Other


Payment Method Overview
  • Type:Mobile Money Service
  • Currency:Tanzanian Shilling (TZS)
  • % of coverage:38% of Tanzania's adult population (estimated)
  • Money transfers to date:> 1.7 billion transactions annually (estimated)
  • Total customers:> 10 million (estimated)
  • Refunds:Yes, subject to Tigo's terms and conditions)
  • Chargebacks:No

About payment system

Tigo Pesa stands as a driving force behind Tanzania’s pursuit of financial inclusion and the transformation of the financial landscape. The mobile money service provides Tanzanians with a comprehensive platform for mobile-based transactions, allowing them to send and receive money, pay bills, purchase airtime, and even access microfinance services.

The process begins with users creating Tigo Pesa accounts linked to their mobile phone numbers. Once registered, users can fund their accounts by depositing cash at authorized agents or transferring funds from their bank accounts. These funds can then be used to conduct a wide range of transactions, from peer-to-peer money transfers to making payments to merchants.

Tigo Pesa’s significance is particularly notable in regions with limited access to traditional banking infrastructure. The service leverages mobile phones to bring essential financial services to urban and rural areas alike, bridging gaps in financial access and enabling individuals to manage their finances more effectively.

The user-friendly interface, wide availability of agents, and Tigo’s commitment to community engagement contribute to Tigo Pesa’s success. By democratizing financial services and fostering a culture of mobile-based transactions, Tigo Pesa exemplifies Tanzania’s drive to create a more inclusive financial ecosystem, where every citizen has the opportunity to participate in and benefit from the modern economy.

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Payment flow

The customer selects Visa as their payment option and enters their credit card details to complete the payment.

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